NetSpot is a recommendable tool for in-depth analysis of the activity and effectiveness of all nearby WiFi networks, including those that are free to use as well as those that require a WPA2 password.
The app includes two functions, each in its own tab. In the 'Discover' tab, you can get all the information you need on each of the WiFi networks that your computer can locate. This way, you can check what kind of signal it emits, the channel and transmission band, the BSSID identifier, the connection percentage you have access to, and even the brand of the router that's emitting the signal.
And from the 'Survey' tab, you can make adjustments to the WiFi network at home or in your office to improve its quality and speed. All you have to do is install the NetSpot app on your portal and select a home test map or create a real one. After deciding the area that you want to check, NetSpot will analyze the space you've indicated and show the networks with the best results in that area.
One drawback of this app, perhaps, is that it's not a good option for inexperienced users since both its terminology and the 'Survey' option could be too complicated.
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